Roles of Interdisciplinary Healthcare Team in Managing High Alert Drugs and Development of Pictograms for Methylxanthines
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Objective: This study aimed to develop the roles of interdisciplinary healthcare team in managing high alert drugs (HADs) by having patients as a team member; and to develop drug information pictograms for informing the side-effects of methylxantines. Methods: In Phase I, a focus group discussion among interdisciplinary healthcare team members at Sansai Hospital, Chiang Mai, was conducted in order to revise the roles and responsibilities of each member in managing HADs. In Phase II, a think-aloud interview was used with 30 out-patients at Sansai Hospital to develop the pictograms for warning the patients and their relatives about the side-effects of methylxanthines. Results: Although, the interdisciplinary healthcare team members knew their roles and responsibilities on HADs, they did not strictly follow the practical guidelines. The pharmacists’ roles were unclear. The HAD handbook was impractical. The healthcare team members were confused due to a large number of HADs. The healthcare team agreed that providing patients and their relatives with knowledge about HADs side effects would help monitoring the HADs toxic effects. Starting with the drugs in methylxantine group, the pictograms were suggested as a tool to inform the patients about the symptoms of nausea-vomiting, loss of appetite, sleepless, headache, thirsty and palpitation. After trying out the pictograms with the patients for three rounds, the pictures with at least 90% correct responses were those on nausea-vomiting, loss of appetite and headache. Conclusion: Cooperation between interdisciplinary healthcare team, patients and their relative caregivers are necessary for effective HADs management. It took several rounds to develop clear and reliable pictograms
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