Development of System for Inspecting Emergency Drugs for Readiness for Use and Reduction of Loss from Expired Drugs
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Objectives: To develop system for inspecting emergency drugs and to study savings on emergency drugs from implementation of the system at the Hospital for Tropical Diseases, Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University. Methods: The researcher reviewed operating procedures and recorded problems in emergency drug uses identified from various units of the Hospital. Subsequently, the researcher analyzed the problem and designed a new system for handling of emergency drugs in the Hospital in cooperation with pharmacists, physicians and nurses. After the implementation of the new system, the researcher collected the data on work procedures, process indicators (such as the exchange of the emergency boxes at the specified period, identification of expired drugs in the boxes and other problems), and outcome indicators (such as the frequency of expired drugs identified in the boxes when opened for uses, cost saving from prevention of the drug expiry. Cost savings were calculated by comparing the values of the expired drugs before and after the change of drug inspection system. The study was conducted during March 1, 2019 to April 30, 2021 (2 years and 2 months). Results: After the change of the inspection system for emergency drugs, there were no incidences of the expired emergency drugs in the boxes when opened for uses, reduction of drug amount and removals of unnecessary medications, and 24,057 Bath of cost saving from the reduction of expired emergency drugs during study period. Conclusion: After the problem analyses and change of inspection system for emergency drug, the problems on drug expiration was reduced and loss from drug expiration in emergency box was prevented leading to cost saving and effective handling of emergency drugs.
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