Situations on Cosmetics Manufacturing Facilities in Phetchabun Province and Their Quality Improvement
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Objective: To study the situation of cosmetic manufacturing facilities in Phetchabun Province and to improve their quality. Method: This study was a pilot action research. The study surveyed 42 cosmetic manufacturing facilities by using the inspection form for cosmetic manufacturing facilities according to the Ministry of Public Health's Notification with 56 requirements, of which 10 were critical defects. Subsequently, the researcher used the scores from the assessment to classify the facilities into 4 groups, namely A to D, arranged in descending order of defects. The study then selected the production facilities in group D with critical defects for improving the quality, and reexamined their quality within 2 months. Results: The study found facilities with discontinued production, being unable to locate, deserted, no occupants or out of businesses (59.52%), and found 17 production facilities as registered (40.48%). Production facilities were classified into 2 groups as follows: Group B (9 facilities or 59.94%) and Group D (8 facilities or 47.06%). Critical defects found in cosmetic production facilities included: quality control domain in the item on record of quality inspection of finished products and products to be packaged (41.18%), domain on production documentation in the item on the documentation of all master formula (23.53%) and record of production being in accordance with the master formula (17.65%), domain on production in the item on production procedure being in accordance with that in master formula with labels showing the name of the raw materials and expiration date (11.76%). In the study in the phase of improving production facilities, the researcher selected two facilities for training in documenting production records, master formulas, and documentation being assessed as defects. Subsequently, the second round of evaluating facilities found that both production facilities had an increase in scores for 33.92% and 28.57%, and no critical defects were found with 0 points. Conclusion: Food and Drug Administration should streamline the process of revocation of the production facilities. In addition, there should be an assessment form for small facilities such as those of community enterprises in order to be able to improve the quality according to their potentials. Moreover, an application to identify production facilities passing the assessment should be developed for public to access the information quickly and accurately.
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