Developing Standard Image to Differentiate Acute Pharyngitis and Acute Tonsillitis Caused by Viral Infection and Bacterial Infection for Community Pharmacy
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Objective: To develop standard image to differentiate acute pharyngitis (AP) and acute tonsillitis (AT) caused by viral infection (VI) and bacterial infection (BI) for community pharmacy. Methods: This study was a research and development study consisting of 3 phases including 1) characterization of disease lesions to appear in standard image for discriminating the causes of AP and AT by a group of clinical specialists, 2) examination of oral and throat lesions in patients with AP and/or AT diagnosed by physicians and laboratory tests, 3) developing the standard image for discriminating the causes of AP and AT that satisfied the criteria set by the researchers. Results: 1) Standard images should show lesions in the neck, uvula, tonsils, tongue and palate, 2) the criteria of the lesions in the standard picture of VI and BI were established. 3) the image of the lesions to distinguish AP and AT caused by VI and BI according to the criteria set by the researchers. Conclusion: This study provides the standardized picture for the differentiating of the AP and AT caused by VI and BI for adults which is highly objective and ready for feasibility study in community pharmacy setting.
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