Resolving the Problems on Look-Alike Sound-Alike Drugs at the System Level

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ปิยะวัน วงษ์บุญหนัก


Objective: To propose the suggestions for resolving the problems on look-alike sound-alike (LASA) drugs at the system level. Method: The researcher reviewed laws and regulations regarding LASA drugs mainly under the Bureau of Drug Control, Food and Drug Administration. The study also reviewed the measures for curbing this problem drugs in Thailand and abroad including the suggestions from the World Health Organization. The researcher prepared recommendations at the system level and presented them to 14 experts whose work involving drug registration or having publications on LASA drugs with  more than 10 years of working experiences. Results: There were no current Thai laws and regulations directly addressing LASA drugs. However the Drug Act B.E.2510 mentioned "registered drugs potentially unsafe for users" and "drugs with names that potentially mislead" which may LASA drugs. At present, systematic address of the problem was not found. In the other countries, the measures for addressing the problem were different depending on the context within the countries with some measures applicable to Thailand.  Conclusion: the study provided suggestions for regulatory agencies responsible for the problem on LASA drugs on urgent, intermediate and long term measures.

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Research Articles


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