Login or Register to make a submission.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • Submitted articles should be prepared in Microsoft Word document format using the journal's template.(https://docs.google.com/document/d/156ymhTbOukCgHHB-tmRT9qdHr4GtCUuz/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=102984997101351582622&rtpof=true&sd=true)
  • The article you have submitted to the journal has not been published anywhere before and is not under consideration by another journal. If this condition is not met, Please provide the editor with details such as parts of the article are published or presented.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Instructions for authors

Submitting the manuscript

                 Authors can submit manuscripts prepared according to the format specified by the Journal according to the manuscript's template through the Journal's online-submission system (under the article submission menu). Those wishing to submit articles must register in the system first. (Please study details from https://docs.google.com/document/d/156ymhTbOukCgHHB-tmRT9qdHr4GtCUuz/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=102984997101351582622&rtpof=true&sd=true) If you encounter problems in submitting your article, please notify sanguan.L@psu.ac.th.

                Since 2019, the journal has increased the number of issues from 2 to 4 issues per year as follows: issue 1 (January-March), issue 2 (April-June), issue 3 (July-September), and issue 4 (October. -December) The type of articles accepted for publication in Thai Journal of Pharmacy Journal is original research articles, literature review articles, including narrative review articles, meta-analyses, and systematic review.

              Thai Journal of Pharmacy Journal publishes articles related to pharmacy practice. Including pharmaceutical care, social pharmacy, pharmacy administration, health economics, epidemiology of drugs and health products, public health pharmacy, behavioral pharmacy, drug and health consumer protection, pharmacy jurisprudence, pharmacy ethics, drug and health policy, application of social and administrative science in pharmacy practice.

Fees and article review process

               The Journal has an article review fee of 3,000 baht. Please do not transfer the fee to the Journal when submitting the article, but the Journal will notify the authors to transfer the fee after the editorial team has preliminarily reviewed the quality of the article and found that the article is of sufficient quality to be sent to reviewers for further consideration. All articles must be paid a fee before the Journal will submit the article for peer review. You can transfer the fee to a Siam Commercial Bank account at Prince of Songkla University Branch under the account name “Master's Degree Project, Department of Social and Administrative Pharmacy”, account number 565-266609-0 (savings account type). Please send  evidence of money transfer to the Journal (please see details in manuscript's template at https://docs.google.com/document/d/156ymhTbOukCgHHB-tmRT9qdHr4GtCUuz/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=102984997101351582622&rtpof=true&sd=true)

                 Effective on July 6, 2021, the Journal will appoint at least 3 reviewers to consider the quality of every article. The Journal will select the reviewers based on their expertise related to the content of the article, and not being a stakeholder with the author of the article. The evaluation by reviewers is double blinded, meaning the names of the article authors are concealed from the reviewers, and the authors do not know the name of the reviewers. There are 4 types of decisions: can be published without revisions, : can be published with minor revisions, major revisions with new round of review, and rejection.

                  Authors will be notified of the results of the peer-reviewed evaluation within 6 weeks. If the evaluation is “can be published with minor revisions,” the author must complete the revisions within 30 days and return it to the Journal. After that, the editorial team will review the edited version of the article and prepare the paginated article within 10 days. The Journal will send the paginated manuscript to the authors for re-review within 7 days. After that, the Journal will issue an acceptance letter to the author and publishing the article on the website.

               The Journal delivers documents to authors electronically. However, if an author requests a hard copy letter from the Journal (e.g. an acceptance letter), the journal will issue a hard copy letter with 200 baht fee per document.


Instructions for authors

The manuscript should be prepared with Microsoft Office Word in Thai or English in the following manner

Page size: A4 paper

Font: Browallia New size 14 pt

Paper margins: 1 inch on all sides

Line spacing: 2 times (double space)

You can retrieve the manuscript template from https://docs.google.com/document/d/156ymhTbOukCgHHB-tmRT9qdHr4GtCUuz/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=102984997101351582622&rtpof=true&sd=true The manuscript should be written in a single column, not two columns.


The original must have the following components:

The article cover page stating the title in Thai and English, names and contact addresses of all authors in both Thai and English, along with specifying the corresponding authors, telephone number and electronic mail address of the corresponding authors

Abstracts for research articles in both Thai and English. The length must not exceed 350 words, including the title, introduction, methods, results, and conclusions. At the end of the abstract, write no more than 6 keywords for articles in Thai and English. Authors can write only Thai language abstracts when first submitting the manuscript. There is no need to submit an English abstract when submitting the article for the first time. However, after the article has undergone the peer review and has been accepted for publication in the Journal, authors must prepare an English abstract and return it with the revised version of the article. However, review articles or literature reviews should include an abstract with appropriate format. Please do not specify the author's name in the abstract in order to ensure double blinded peer review process

Content of Manuscript

Research articles should be no more than 20-25 pages long (including figures, tables, and references). The article structure is as follows:

3.1 Introduction (length should not exceed two pages)

3.2 Methods: If the research is conducted in human subjects, the author of the article must state that The research has been considered by the Research Ethics Committee of…(specify the name of the institution or agency) or express a similar statement. In addition, the author of the article must be able to provide evidence that their research was reviewed by the Research Ethics Committee if the Journal's reviewers request such evidence. (However, such evidence does not have to be submitted to the Journal while submitting the article)

3.3 Results and discussion of results Authors can insert figures and tables into the content as appropriate.

3.4 Summary and recommendations

3.5 Acknowledgments Authors should indicate the funding sources for their research in their acknowledgments.

3.6 References (Please write a list of references at the end of the article in English. Even though the reference is in Thai because it is a requirement for the Journals to be included into the Asean Citation Index database.)

3.7 Appendix (if any)


Review article can have any sections as appropriate and should not exceed 20-25 pages in length.

Please do not specify the name of the author in any part of the article in order to keep the peer review process anonymous.


The Journal has a policy of not accepting articles with the following characteristics:

-Survey research that measures variables and interprets scores by dividing scores into equal intervals, but there is no evidence to support that such division. For example, a survey of variables with scores between 1-10 and the researcher divides the score into four ranges, i.e., 1-4 (low), 4.01-7 (medium), and 7.01-10 (high) without providing any justification. The publication of such articles is not accepted because the division of scores causes inappropriate interpretation of the results. For example, 6.98 is considered to be a moderate level, while 7.01 is considered to be a high level. However, the Journal accepts survey articles that interpret the scores according to the meaning of the scale used to the study. For example, a variable is measured on a scale from 1-5 (1=strongly disagree to 5=strongly agree) and the researcher interprets the measured scores as specified in the scale. In addition, if the researcher uses a standard questionnaire with validated criteria for interpreting results, the Journal is welcome such article.



References must be written in Vancouver Style. Please list references at the end of the article in English. Even though the document is in Thai because it is a requirement for the Journal to be included in the Asean Citation Index database. In-text citations must be numbered at the end of the text using Arabic numerals in parentheses, for example, internships have an effect on students' drug dispensing skills (1). The study has found differences among professionals (2-4,9)


The format for reference list at the end of an article depends on the type of document being referenced as follows:

  1. Citing articles from journals

  Deehan DJ, Bell K, McCaskie AW. Adolescent musculoskeletal injuries. J Bone Surg 2007;89:25-8.

         In the case of more than 6 authors, enter the names of the first 6 authors, separated by commas, followed by et al. Journal names should be abbreviated. However, for Thai journals whose names do not appear in any international databases, please specify the full name. This is because abbreviated name of Thai journals are very diverse, i.e., the abbreviated name of many Thai journals listed on TCI's website and the ISO abbreviations are very different.

          Vancouver style shows only the year and volume, without the month and issue.


  1. Specific section a journal, such as editorials, letters, or abstracts, please use the following format:

Deehan DJ. Adolescent musculoskeletal injuries [editorial]. J Bone Surg 2007;89:25-8.


  1. Entire book

Stafford I. Coaching for long-term athlete development. 2nd ed. Leeds: Coach Foundation; 2005.


           4 Chapter of a book

Blake G. Radiation protection. In: Ring F, Hadsall R, editors. Bone densitometry. 2nd ed. Bath: National Osteoporosis Society; 1998. p.116-26.


  1. Articles in conference proceedings

Bent M, Heim G. Dtecction of privacy and security in medical care. In: Dunn C, Enhoff O, editors. Phartech 2009. Proceedings of the Federal Pharmacy Congress; 2009 Jan 7-11; Bangkok, Thailand. Bangkok: Uthaitip; 2009. p.101-9.


  1. Thesis

Kathrine S. Pharmacy home health care [dissertation]. St. Paul: University of Washington; 1995.

Kathrine S. Pharmacy home health care [master thesis]. St. Paul: University of Washington; 1995.

Kathrine S. Pharmacy home health care [independent study]. St. Paul: University of Washington; 1995.


  1. Website

Reshi L. Cancer: an introduction [online]. 2002 [cited Dec 9, 2009]. Available from: www.psumed.ac.th/cancer.htm.


  1. Acts, Ministerial Regulations, Ministry Announcements, Orders.


Cosmetic Act B.E. 2015. Royal Gazette No. 132, Part 86A (Sep 8, 2015).


Public Health Ministerial Declaration No. 256 in 2002 on drinking water in sealed containers (No 4). Royal Gazette No. 119, Part 54D special (May 10, 2002).


Directive of Consumer Protection Committee no 7/2010 on authorization of competent officers to settle the case according to of the Consumer Protection Act, B.E. 1979. (Jul 16, 2010).