Effects of Health Literacy Promotion on the Self-Care Behaviors of Patients with Type II Diabetes Mellitus in Lopburi Province


  • ราตรี ทองคำ Division of Medicine, Kingnarai Hospital


Type II Diabetic Mellitus, Health literacy, Self-care behaviors


Introduction: Diabetes mellitus is a non-communicable disease and the main cause of death in Thai people. Most of them are caused by people’s failure to keep their blood sugar levels under control due to their inappropriate dietary behavior.  The objectives of the study were to investigate effects of health literacy promotion on the self-care behaviors of patients with uncontrolled type II diabetes mellitus.

Methods: Through a quasi-experimental design, the study investigated two groups: experimental and control groups. The samples were patients with uncontrolled type II diabetes mellitus (HbA1C>7%) who received treatment at King Narai Hospital, Lopburi Province, from October 2020 to March 2021. The samples were divided into the experimental group and the control group, each of which comprised 33 samples. The instrument was a health literacy program of which validity and reliability had been assessed.

Results: Treated with the program, the mean score of health literacy of the experimental group increased (p=.000), and the mean score of their self-care behaviors increased (p=.000). In addition, the average HbA1C value was found to decrease (p=.016) with a significance level of p<.05.

Conclusion: The health literacy promotion was able to change self-care behaviors and help control blood sugar in patients with type II diabetes mellitus.


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How to Cite

ทองคำ ร. Effects of Health Literacy Promotion on the Self-Care Behaviors of Patients with Type II Diabetes Mellitus in Lopburi Province. Singburi Hosp J [Internet]. 2022 Apr. 30 [cited 2024 Sep. 20];30(3):86-99. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/shj/article/view/255800



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