Effectiveness of Program Enhancing Health Literacy to Change 3E 2S Health Behavior among Personnel under the Non Thai District Health Office, Non Thai District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province

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Kawee Chinjoho


This study is a quasi-experimental research. The experimental group consists of personnel from the Non-Thai District Public Health Office, and the comparison group consists of personnel from the Chakkarat District Public Health Office, with 48 individuals in each group. The aim of study is to evaluate the effectiveness of a health literacy enhancement program to modify the 3E 2S health behaviors of personnel from the Non-Thai District Public Health Office, Non-Thai District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province. The program duration was 14 weeks, and data were collected using online questionnaires both before and after the program. Data analysis was performed using the t-test.

The research results showed that after participating in the program, the experimental group had an average health literacy score at a good level (Mean=83.16±4.68). Comparing the differences between the scores of the two groups revealed a statistically significant difference (p<0.001). Social health activity participation was at a good level (Mean=16.27±2.56). Comparing the average scores of the two groups revealed a statistically significant difference (p<0.03). Self-care behavior according to the 3E 2S principles was at a moderate level (Mean=31.06±4.94). Comparing the average scores of the two groups revealed a statistically significant difference (p<0.001). Therefore, the health literacy enhancement program to modify the 3E 2S health behaviors can be used with at-risk groups for chronic diseases, and program should be periodically conducted to align with changing contexts and knowledge.

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