Effect of Health Literacy Program on Self-management Behaviors of Diabetic Patients Receiving Services at Ban Suan Municipality Public Health Service Center
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This is quasi-experimental research two-group pre-post-test control group design. Aims to study the effect of a health literacy program on the self-management behaviors of diabetic patients receiving services at the Ban Suan Municipality Public Health Service Center. The sample group consisted of 54 diabetic patients who could not control their blood sugar levels and were treated at the Ban Suan Municipal Health Service Center, Muang District, Chonburi Province, divided into two groups: an experimental group of 27 people and a control group of 27 people. Two types of tools are used in this research: tools used to collect data and tools used in the experiment. The researcher conducted the data collection himself. Data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation statistics, paired t-tests, and independent t-tests.
The results showed that the experimental group had a mean of overall self-management behavior at the high level (=75.11, SD = 1.84), and the mean was significantly higher than before the program at the 0.05 level (t=-53.22, p-value <.001; 95%CI -30.159 t0 -27.916)The experimental group that received the health literacy program had significantly higher mean self-management behaviors among diabetic patients than the control group receiving regular nursing care at Ban Suan Municipality Public Health Service Center statistically at the 0.05 level (t=42.71, p-value <.001; 95%CI 19.272 to 21.172). This research suggests that Promoting health literacy for effective self-management should include teaching and learning activities. Practicing contemplation and awareness actual practice will lead to changes in self-management behavior for better diabetes patients.
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