Development of Chemical Residue Management Model in Blood Samples through Healthcare Following 4E Principles in Tha Lad Khaow Sub-district, Chok Chai District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province

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Atthawit Singsalasang
Kanjanee Boonyawongwirote
Tongtip Salawongluk
Bhuddhipong Satayavongthip


This action research aimed to develop and study the results of using this management approach for chemical residue management in bloodstream through healthcare following 4E principles (Emotions, Eating, Exercise, Elimination). The target group were 36 individuals who had a risk level of unsafe chemical residues in their blood. This study had three phases: Phase 1, studying the context; Phase 2, developing the approach; and Phase 3, studying the results of using the approach. The research tools included behavior assessment questionnaires, data recording notebooks, and laboratory test result forms. Quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, frequency, and percentage, and the results were compared before and after using the approach using dependent t-tests. Qualitative data were analyzed using content analysis.

Research findings reveal that: 1) The results of managing chemical residues in blood through healthcare based on the 4E principles consist of 6 components; (1) Training courses for community health volunteers and individuals with chemical residues in blood, (2) Toxic substance management learning center based on the 4E principles, (3) Weekly activities organized by community health volunteers in the community for groups with chemical residues, (4) Monthly blood chemical testing, (5) Herbal sauna room, and (6) Follow-up and evaluation. 2) The results of the development based on the training curriculum for the target group indicate significant statistical differences at a 0.05 level in the comparison of average scores for knowledge, self-perceived abilities, expectations of positive outcomes from practices, and self-management skills of the target group before and after participating in the activities. 3) The results of implementing the program indicate that the target group had chemical residues in their blood at risky levels 22 people and 14 people at unsafe levels. But after participating program, 35 people, or 97.22 percent of the target group had normal levels of chemical residues in their blood, of which 22 people were at risk, changed to normal levels as 21 people or 95.45%, but 1 person or 4.55% was still at the same risk level. In addition, 14 participants were the unsafe group changed to normal level 100.00%. This discovery indicates that the developed approach is an appropriate and efficient method for managing chemical residues in the blood, particularly for farmers and consumers who are exposed to chemical contamination in their food.

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