The Effectiveness of Line Application Chat Bot in Reducing Stress Among A Private Hospital Staff in Rayong Province
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This research study aims to assess general stress levels and work-related stress among hospital staff of a private hospital in Rayong province. Additionally, the study aims to evaluate the effectiveness and satisfaction levels after using a Line application chat bot. The sample group consisted of 41 participants, and data were collected from June to August 2022 using four survey instruments: personal information, work-related data, stress assessment (SPST-20), Thai version of Job Content Questionnaire (Thai JCQ), and satisfaction assessment. Data analysis was conducted using descriptive and inferential statistics, including Pearson correlation and McNemar's test. The study aimed to determine stress levels before using the Line application chatbot by adding friends in the Line application and selecting individualized stress management methods based on the predefined text responses generated by the research author. The study also included four broadcast knowledge messages sent by the research author once a week. After the specified period, stress levels were reassessed.
The research findings indicate that before using the Line application chatbot, the overall stress levels among the private hospital staff were high, with 53.6% experiencing general stress. This high stress had significant physical impacts, including muscle tension or pain, followed by back pain and headaches resulting from stress. After using the chatbot, there was a reduction in the overall general stress levels, with 46.3% experiencing stress. This reduction was statistically significant (p-value < .05). Based on of classification of job characteristics using the Demand Control Model Karasek, the following findings were observed skill discretion average score of 3.3, decision authority average score of 2.9, Job demands average score of 2.8, social support average score of 3.2, active jobs 43.9%, high strain jobs 24.3%, low strain jobs 19.5%, passive jobs 12.2%.
The research suggests several recommendations for the organization to consider to take care of the physical, mental, and social well-being of the staff. These recommendations include increasing opportunities for employee involvement in decision-making, soliciting opinions for developing a job knowledge system that combines active and passive approaches, organizing work schedules to achieve a work-life balance, and reducing stress resulting from work.
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