Development of Health Behavior Modification Model for Hypertensive Patients with Community Participation at Ban Nong Bua, Sak Long Sub-district, Lom Sak District, Phetchabun Province
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This action research used appreciation influence control (AIC) techniques, aimed to study the current problem, knowledge, and practice, developed a model for changing health behaviors of patients with hypertensive patients with community participation, and studied the results of development process. The target group were 50 hypertensive patients in the Ban Nong Bua community, Sak Long sub-district, Lom Sak district, Phetchabun province, and 10 community leaders were representatives from relevant government agencies. Data were collected interviews, observational forms, and focus groups. Data analyzed by descriptive statistics and compare the mean for knowledge and practice with paired t-test statistics, presented with t-test, mean difference (Mean difference: Mean diff.), 95% confidence interval (95%CI of Mean diff.) and p-value. Qualitative data analyzed by content analysis.
The results found that: 1) Most hypertensive patients had a low level of knowledge about hypertension, and their practices of changing health behaviors were low and inappropriate, and participation and support of community leaders and related government agencies is low. 2) The model for changing health behavior of hypertensive patients with community participation found that the action to change health behavior of hypertensive patients consists of 6 projects/activities, consisting of three projects for practice by themselves including (1) exercise project for hypertensive patients, (2) project for growing non-toxic vegetables in the household, and (3) project for friends to help hypertensive patients. And projects that hypertensive patients with high blood pressure must participate in and request cooperation from relevant government agencies. and the community to participate. There were three projects jointly implemented by hypertensive patients, in which relevant government departments and communities are invited to participate: (1) Project to develop a model for changing health behavior of hypertensive patients with community participation. (2) Project to reduce the consumption of food condiments with family support in hypertensive patients. (3) Project to develop knowledge for caregivers of hypertensive patients. And 3) projects/activities themselves, including 1) exercise project for hypertensive patients, 2) project for growing non-toxic vegetables in the household, and 3) Before and after participating in activities according to the developed model, it was found that the mean score of knowledge statistically significantly different (Mean diff.= 11.46, 95%CI: 10.49 - 12.46, p-value <0.001) and mean score of practice statistically significantly different (Mean diff.= 37.93, 95%CI: 34.59 – 41.32, p-value<0.001)
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