Factors Related to The Physical Exercise Behavior of Company Employees, Chon Buri Province
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Physical exercise is significant for health promotion. This study was a cross-sectional survey -aiming to study the factors related to physical exercise among the employees of a company in Chon Buri Province.The samples were 396 employees of the company selected by stratified sampling. Data collection was conducted using an online questionnaire. The data was analyzed by the following statistical methods: frequency, percentage, and chi-square statistics. and the Pearson correlation coefficient was used to analyze the factors related to exercise behavior.
The results found that most of the samples (61.1% of males and 38.9% of females) 45.5 percent of the samples had a body mass index of 37.6 percent at level 1 obesity. Most of the participants (74.0%) did not have concomitant diseases, while 26.0% did. Regarding the factors related to physical exercise, it was found that the demographic factors, including gender and body mass index, were significantly related to physical exercise (X2= 22.197, p=0.048 and X2= 1.823, p=0.049 respectively). Regarding predisposing factors, it was found that self-efficacy was significantly related to physical exercise (r=0.829, p<0.001), For the enabling factor, access to information about physical exercise and physical exercise behavior was found to correlate significantly with physical exercise (r=0.530, p<0.001). Regarding the reinforcing factor, support received about physical exercise was found to correlate significantly with physical exercise (r=0.696, p<0.001). Suggestions from the research findings that enterprises and related agencies should organize activities to promote self-efficacy on physical exercise, health information support and support for healthy exercise activities for employees in order to have good health and be able to work efficiently.
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