Effects of blood sugar control program the application of health literacy and social support among diabetic type 2 patients treated with insulin Diabetes Clinic, Khom Kaen Hospital
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Diabetes is a chronic disease that causes elevated blood sugar levels. If patients have uncontrolled diabetes for an extended period of time, the body will become dangerous, if not fatal. This research study is quasi-experimental, and its aim is to study the effects of a blood sugar control program by applying health literacy and social support among patients with type 2 diabetes treated with insulin. The samples in the experimental group were 33 patients in Khon Kaen Hospital, and the comparison group was 33 type 2 diabetes patients treated with insulin in a diabetes clinic in Udon Thani Hospital, totaling 66 patients. The experimental group received the glycemic control activities program by applying concepts of health literacy and social support, e.g., lectures, online communication practice demonstrations, etc. The research period was 10 weeks. General data were analyzed using descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentage, mean, maximum, minimum, and section. standard deviation Comparative statistical analysis of the independent t-test and the paired t-test
The results showed that after the experiment, the experimental group had a mean score. Health knowledge and glycemic control behavior were statistically significantly higher than in the comparison and pre-trial groups (p 0.001), and blood glucose levels were lower than in the comparison (Meandiff. = 77.93, 95%CI 62.24-93.63, p<0.001) and pre-trial (Meandiff. = 67.63, 95%CI 59.46-75.80, p<0.001) groups.
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