The Effectiveness of Community Leadership Development Program to Solving of Opisthorchiasis in Bua Yai District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province

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Jun Norkaew
Natnapa Heebkaew Padchasuwan
Jirayut Chuatanam
Prabhatida Srichanla
Kamonphat Visuttipukdee
Schawanya Rattanapitoon


This research was a quasi-experimental research. A studied for the effectiveness of empowerment program in community leaders to implementation community intervention for liver fluke prevention and control in Bua Yai district, Nakhon Ratchasima province. The population sampling are studied community leaders aged of 18-60 years old in Khun Thong sub-district, Bua Yai district, Nakhon Ratchasima province. Samples are selected 40 people were an experimental group and Bueng Samrong sub-district, Kaeng Sanam Nang district the samples are selected 40 people were comparison group. The tools used composed of (1) 12-week Empowerment program (2) Knowledge Attitude and Practice on Prevention and Protection of Liver Fluke interview form and (3) tools of equipment and chemicals used for the detection of fecal parasites using the Mini Parasep SF Faecal Concentrator technique (MPFC). The experimental period was 6 months. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, percentage, means, standard deviation and data were analyzed by paired samples t-test and independent t-test (p-value 0.05, 95% CI).
The results showed that the behavior modification program is prevented and protected. The process model was significantly higher than before (p <0.01), the p-value 0.001, 95% CI: 0.10-0.19. Meant the community are empowered to participate in problem-solving in all sectors (p-value is 0.001, 95% CI: 0.71-2.09), caused resulted in infection of Liver Fluke in the experimental group. But the opposite to have the population comparison group was infected with Liver Fluke to 2.0%, and the data show as well as the leading people got the knowledge, good attitude and best practice. After the experiment, the community leader samples were significantly higher (p <0.01) than those before. The importance of empowerment program can lead to a sustainable solution for Liver Fluke prevention and protection in the community.

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