Effect of Intelligence Quotient level Development of Early Childhood by social Networks, Amnat Charoen Province
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This quasi-experimental research aimed to study the effects of developing early childhood intelligence quotient by using social networks in Amnat Charoen province. The sample group were 48 early childhood aged 2-5 years who were collected by simple random sampling (SRS). Quantitative data were collected by structured questionnaire interview, and the screening form of intelligence quotient assessment for children 2-5 years of age, 1987 edition, obtained by Department of Mental Health, Ministry of Public Health. Qualitative was analyzed by content analysis. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics: Independent t-test were used for data analysis.
The results revealed that overall, preschool age children had an average intelligence quotient level at 100.64 scores (S.D.=17.36). Samples in the experimental group had an average intelligence quotient level at 105.60 scores (S.D.=14.36). The preschool age children who participated in early childhood intelligence development via social networks in Amnat Charoen province had the average intelligence quotient level at 105.60 scores (S.D.=14.08), which were statistically higher than the average intelligence quotient level of the comparison group at 95.60 scores (S.D.=19.13) at a significance level of 0.05.
Therefore, the development for childhood intelligence quotient should be carried out regarding holistic care. Preschool age children should be emphasized on a systematic thinking, learning environment surrounding, enabling to analyze and distinguish the situation and solving problems when facing appropriately. As well as social networking mechanism should be promoted in order to take part of the surveillance and developmental milestones to encourage them to learn and optimal grow up effectively according to their age.
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