The Acceptance of Music Therapy Services to Improve Quality of Life in the Elderly

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Pannawit Sanitnarathorn
Smatya Wathawathana
Rachada Fongtanakit
Phaibul Bunyakarte


Music therapy can be considered as a branch of science that is still new compared to other types of therapy. As science developed, a systematic study of the effects of music in therapy began. Despite age, anyone can participate in music therapy activities ranging from children to the elderly. As we are in a completely aging society, access to information about music therapy for the elderly is therefore necessary for them to be informed and to make decisions about participating in music therapy activities to improve their quality of life. The most common health problems in the elderly are dementia, heart disease, stress, depression, and physical pain. These health problems have been researched both abroad and in Thailand with significant evidence that music therapy can relieve and help. This article has compiled a literature review to determine the factors that guide the adoption of music therapy services to improve the quality of life in the elderly, such as the theory related to acceptance, attitudes, information exposure, elderly learning, and perceived usefulness of music therapy leading to the creation of a conceptual framework for
the further research.

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