Developing a Training Program of Village Health Volunteers’ Competency Enhancement Using the New Approach of 4E(s) for Managing NCDs, Takhob Sub-district, Pakthongchai District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province การพัฒนาหลักสูตรฝึกอบรมอาสาสมัครสาธารณสุขประจำหมู่บ้านเพื่อเสริมสร้าง สมรรถนะการจัดการโรคไม่ติดต่อเรื้อรังแนวใหม่ด้วยหลัก 4 อ. ตำบลตะขบ อำเภอปักธงชัย จังหวัดนครราชสีมา
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NCDs management is one of the duties by village health volunteer cooperating with health staff. There has never been a specific training program for new approach of NCDs management using the principle of 4E(s). The researchers have studied and developed the training program to enhance the competency for NCDs management using participatory action research method (PAR). A total of 50 village health volunteers of a community in Pakthongchai District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province was selected. This study was divided into 4 phases consisting of: phase (1), investigating the preliminary data, phase (2), developing a training program with community participation, phase (3) trying out the developed training program and phase (4), adjusting the training program of improvement. The results showed that:
- The training program for village health volunteers to enhance the competency of NCDs in new management using the principles of 4E(s). The program were 6 elements: (1) rationale and background, (2) objectives, (3) contents, (4) activities, (5) media use, and (6) measure and evaluation. It was contained into 5 units of learning, 35 hours, including (1) present situation of diseases, (2) NCDs contents, (3) body imbalances with disease aspects, (4) dealing with NCDs using the principle of 4E(s), and (5) management skills in dealing with NCDs.
- The effectiveness of the training program were measured by village health volunteers’ competency. Mean score of the NCDs management at before and after development showed that in after the program, there was a statistically significant mean score of the management higher than the before (p<0.001) and assessment of achievement of the program (E1/E2) comparing with the criteria of 80/80 using quizzes and the management skills. The E1/E2 of 86.87/89.65 of the assessment was found which is above the identifying criteria. This indicates the training program probably use to enhance village health volunteers’ competency for dealing NCDs in community.
- Results in after the training program showed that all the participants of risk group with NCDs (100%) could control the risk of diseases by themselves, as the result, it might not become a new patient with NCDs. All the patients with NCDs were able to control their disease conditions and can be preventing the disease complications (100%). In addition, significance result of the study also found that 13 patients (30.95%) with NCDs could be reduced in drug use and 18 patients (62.07%) with hyperlipidemia could be stopped in taking the drug by a medical doctor.
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