A program development of promoting health literacy on disease prevention and control in public health officers

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ขวัญเมือง แก้วดำเกิง
นิรันตา ไชยพาน
สุจิตรา บุญกล้า


This study aims to develop and evaluate the program of health literacy on disease prevention and control in health professionals. The mixed methods research was divided into 2 phases: phase 1-development of the health literacy program; including (1) literature review HL program (2) set of the conceptual framework and (3) process design. Samples were 5 executive experts, purposely selected from public organizations, university, and professional association. Data were collected by a questionnaire of expert’s opinion. Phase 2- program evaluation; including (1) program evaluation and (2) program try out. Sample were public health officers, and 5 facilitators. The research tool comprised of: (1) a questionnaire; (2) a handbook of operational training program; and (3) a focus groups guideline of facilitators. Quantitative data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics; frequency, percentage, mean; and qualitative data were analyzed by using content analysis.

The results found that the experts strongly agree with all Items; including 6 activities, and program objectives were mostly congruence. (IOC=0.81) The data analysis of 41 (response 75.3%) health professionals who work in the Office of Disease Prevention and Control, 61% work in central and 39% work in department of disease control. Average of working years was 12 years. The sample agree that the objectives, activities, methods, instruction media, period, procedure, and evaluation methods of each sessions were mostly congruence. A follow-up also improves the program on suggestion of facilitators, and the future research could focus on methods and results of related skills improvement both overall and specifically.

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