Physical Literacy and Physical Activity Behavior among Junior High School Students in Office of the Basic Education Commission

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Wasan Unanan
Khuanmuang Kaewdumkerng
Manirat Therawiwat
Paranee Vatanasomboon


This cross-sectional survey research was aimed to study physical literacy and physical activity behavior of Matayomsuksa 1 – 3 students in the co-ed junior secondary schools under the administration of the Office of the Basic Education Commission, in Inner City, Urban Fringe, and Suburb areas of Bangkok Metropolis.  The samples consisted of 407 students who were selected by using the multi-stage sampling method.  Physical activity literacy and behaviors were measured by using an online questionnaire.  Data analysis was done by employing descriptive statistics and the Chi-square test. 

The results found that 60.7% of the sampled students were females and 39.3% were males with a mean age of 14 years.  Physical activity literacy was found at the moderate level (51.1%), 46.2% had a low level of physical activity knowledge and understanding, 42.3% had a moderate level of motivation to perform physical activity and 40.5% had a moderate level of confidence to perform physical activity behaviors.  The results of the association analysis between the studied variables showed that gender, body mass index, and physical activity behaviors related significantly to physical activity literacy (p<0.05).

It is recommended that the related organizations should promote junior high school students’ physical activity literacy and enhance students’ physical activity behaviors, both in and outside classes including, developing students’ motivation and confidence to perform physical activity behaviors continuously.


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