Health Literacy and Self-Care Behaviors Among Patients with Ischemic Heart Disease at Central Chest Institute of Thailand
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Good self-care behaviors and continuous treatment of the patients with ischemic heart disease will prevent the recurrence of the disease. This cross-sectional survey study aims to study health literacy and self-care behaviors of the patients with ischemic heart disease of 421 male and female patients with ischemic heart disease attending the Heart Clinic at the Out-patient Department, Central Chest Institution of Thailand, Nonthaburi Province, during July-September, 2020. Data collection was done by using interviewing schedule. Data analyses were done by computing Chi-square test, Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation and Stepwise Multiple Regression.
The research results showed that 56.3 percent of the sampled patients had adequate level of health literacy and 51.8 percent had moderate level of self-care behaviors. The factors that were found to associate significantly with health literacy (p<0.05) were age, education level, occupation, income, knowledge about ischemic heart disease, perceived self-efficacy and self-care behaviors. For the predicting factors of self-care behaviors of the sampled patients with ischemic heart disease, there were 2 predicting factors found in the regression equation (p<0.001), as follows: perceived self-efficacy; and interactive health literacy. All these 2 factors together can predict self-care behaviors by 33.1%.
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