The Effects of Self-Efficacy Enhancement with Social Support on Medication Adherence of Hypertensive Patients

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Kanit Chanchai
Manirat Therawiwat
Paranee Vatanasomboon
Nirat Imamee


     This quasi-experimental research aimed to study the effects of perceived self-efficacy development and social support on appropriate medication taking of the hypertensive patients in Chumphon Province.  The samples were 76 patients with hypertension, 38 patients in each of the experimental and the comparison groups.  The experimental group participated in the perceived self-efficacy development and social support on appropriate medication taking for 10 weeks.  The program consisted of the activities aiming to develop perceived self-efficacy to take medication appropriately by using lecture with the use of slide showing, practicing measuring blood pressure of their own, giving verbal persuasion, verbal admiration for encouragement, home-visit, and blood pressure surveillance by village health volunteers.  For the comparison group, patients received normal services from the public health centers.  Data collection was done before and after the experimentation by using an interviewed questionnaire.  Data were analyzed by computing frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Paired t-test and Independent t-test.

     The research findings showed that after the experimentation, the experimental group had higher levels of perceived self-efficacy to take medication appropriately, outcome expectation from appropriate medication taking, and appropriate medication taking behavior than before the experimentation and the comparison group, and a significantly lower level of blood pressure was found compared to before the experimentation and the comparison group (p<0.005). This findings showed that the program on perceived self-efficacy development and social support for appropriate medication taking was effective and can be applied in taking care and promoting patients with hypertension or with other chronic diseases who have to have to take medication continuously by using activities in accordance with the context of the health service centers as well as the condition of patients’ problems about medication taking.

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