Effects of Self-Management Program on Blood Sugar Control of Diabetic Patients at Mabtaphut Sub-district Health Promotion Hospital in Rayong Province

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Pornsawan Imamee
Nirat Imamee
Yuvadee Rodjarkpai
Nipa Maharachpong


     Diabetes is a chronic and severe disease that new cases have been increasing continuously. The decreasing dietary intake is a critical target behaviors to control blood sugar and to reduce long term complications. The objective of this two-group quasi-experimental study was to assess the effects of a self-management program on blood sugar control of diabetic patients of Mabtaphut Sub-district Health Promotion Hospital in Rayong Province. Forty experiment patients were stratified by gender and randomly selected from three consecutive diabetes clinic day. Thus, three small groups were recruited to be voluntary participated in the study program for 12 weeks. The program activities were developed based on a model of self-regulation for controlling the chronic disease by Clark. To maximize internal validity of the study, forty comparable patients regarding gender, age, years of having diabetes, and blood sugar level were selected from the next following diabetes clinic day after the study group was recruited. A self-administered questionnaire collected pretest and posttest data. The data were analyzed by percentage, mean, standard deviation, independent t-test, and Paired sample’s t-test.

     Findings affirmed the effects of the program that made the fasting blood sugar (FBS) of the experimental group decreasing from a high level ( =166.10 mg/dl) to controllable level ( =125.93 mg/dl). The significant reduction of FBS (p<0.01) due to having more appropriate dietary behaviors; better-perceived self-efficacy to perform the behaviors; higher perceived outcome expectations to reduce complications; and more self-management practices to control blood sugar than before the experiment and better than the comparison group. Thus, in designing an intervention to modify disease management health behaviors, self-efficacy may use as a starting point of the program features and information required should be relevant to the desired behavioral targets.

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Research Article


American Diabetes Association. Standards of medical care in diabetes. Diabetes Care. 2017;40(Suppl 1):33-43.

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