Analysis of Health Promotion Implementation According to Promotion and Prevention Excellence Strategic Plan in Health Area Region 7, Health Promotion Center 7, Khon Kean.


  • อรพินท์ ภาคภูมิ ศูนย์อนามัยที่ 1 ขอนแก่น


Promotionand Prevention Excellence Strategic Plan, Documentary Research, Health Promotion Center Region 7 Khon Kean.


This research was documentary research which had criteria for selecting work plans or project plans related to 5 age groups that were consistent with the health promotion strategic plan for all age groups. We analyzed data which were primary data and secondary from plans or projects to analyze the coherence with related factors and trends of the work plans or projects according to age group of the Health Promotion Center 7, Khon Kean. In addition, the study also interviewed 7 people who were involved in the preparation of plans or projects in the Health Promotion Center 7, Khon Kean. This content of study was presented in descriptive.

            This study found that before health promotion implementation of the strategic plan for all age groups of Health Promotion Center 7, Khon Kean. There was a meeting to prepare plans with health centers in health area region 7 by jointly analyzing the problem condition to determine the key issue of health region and to support budget for solving health promotion problems of all age groups. The regional problems were found mostly in maternal and child health groups. These problems had been defined as issues in government inspection and supervision at the health region level. After measures and strategies implementation of promotion, prevention and protection excellence, this study found that plans or projects for all age groups were more integrated with academic centers or related networks, but these were not in the same direction. Some measures were defined as specific issues to require action of knowing results of a particular period. This study was suggested as follows: 1) health region administrators should review the strategic plan for a clearer integration and 2) the strategic plan should be monitored and adjusted as phase to phase.


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How to Cite

ภาคภูมิ ภ. (2021). Analysis of Health Promotion Implementation According to Promotion and Prevention Excellence Strategic Plan in Health Area Region 7, Health Promotion Center 7, Khon Kean. Lanna Journal of Health Promotion and Environmental Health, 11(1), 15–27. Retrieved from



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