Prevalence of Salmonella spp. in chicken eggs at the 4 Northeastern Provinces


  • ภัทรกิติ เนินชัด
  • จินตนา สุ่มมาตย์
  • ธัญญารัตน์ สมสู่
  • อภิรดี โสภา
  • ขวัญเกศ กนิษฐานนท์
  • บงกช นพผล


Egg Quality, Prevalence, Salmonella spp., Salmonellosis


Objective To determine the prevalence of Salmonella spp. in chicken eggs from
wet market in Khon Kaen, Mahasarakam, Kalasin, Roi-et, and Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
Khon Kaen University.
Materials and methods Chicken eggs were collected from Khon Kaen, Roi-et,
Kalasin, Mahasarakam, 70 eggs per area, and 35 newly lain eggs from Faculty of Veterinary
Medicine, Khon Kaen University. The ISO 6579:2002/AMD1:2007 was used, and eggs were
divided into 2 groups i.e. incubated for 1 week, and non-incubated eggs.
Results The overall prevalence of Salmonella spp. was at 0.63% (2 out of 315) in
non-incubated eggs. While incubated eggs were free from Salmonella. However, no
statistical significant different was found (P>0.01) between the 2 groups of eggs.
Conclusion The tested chicken eggs in the 4 northeastern provinces were of good
quality and Salmonella contamination is low.




How to Cite

เนินชัด ภ., สุ่มมาตย์ จ., สมสู่ ธ., โสภา อ., กนิษฐานนท์ ข., & นพผล บ. (2017). Prevalence of Salmonella spp. in chicken eggs at the 4 Northeastern Provinces. KKU Journal for Public Health Research, 8(2), 49–53. Retrieved from