Morphological Variation of Lung Lobes and Fissures: Embalmed Cadaveric Study in Northeastern, Thailand


  • Chanwit Maneenin
  • Naowarat Maneenin


Morphological Variation, Lung Lobes, Fissure


Lung is an important organ of respiratory tract, which composed of left and right lungs. In general, the left lung is divided into two lobes, while the right one has three lobes. Although the morphological variations of the lungs have been reported in many races, this document in Thais is very rare. This descriptive study aims to describe the abnormality of lung lobes and fissures. A total number of 47 Northeastern Thai embalmed cadavers were investigated. The results showed that the anomaly of lung lobes and fissures was 17.0%. Abnormalities can be classified into 4 types, namely L1R2, L2R2, L2R4, and L3R3, each of which is 12.5%, 50.0%, 25.0%, and 12.5% respectively. The abnormalities are found in males and females equally. The basic knowledge of morphological variation of lung lobes and fissures gained from this study are beneficial for radiologists, surgeons, physical therapists and anatomists to use this basic information in lung treatment consideration for Northeastern Thais.




How to Cite

Maneenin, C., & Maneenin, N. (2018). Morphological Variation of Lung Lobes and Fissures: Embalmed Cadaveric Study in Northeastern, Thailand. วารสารวิจัยสาธารณสุขศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแก่น, 11(2), 1–8. สืบค้น จาก