Impact of Pharmaceutical care in ambulatory patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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พิจิตรา ศรีมายา
วิระพล ภิมาลย์
ธนนรรจ์ รัตนโชติพานิช


Objective : to assess the effect of pharmaceutical care on the number of drug related problems (DRP), patient’s knowledge on COPD, drug treatment and self management, and the correct use of an inhaler device. Method: The study was a one group pre-post test design, conducting at the ambulatory care unit for COPD at Mahasarakham and Roi-et hospitals. All subjects were followed up for at least two times within 2 or 3 months. The researchers assessed DRPs, patient’s knowledge on COPD, drug treatment and their self management, use of an inhaler device and hosptalization. The researchers also resolved identified DRPs, and provided needed education on knowledge on COPD, drug treatment and self management, the correct use of an inhaler device. Results: A total of 64 (82.1%) of all recruited subjects (N=78) completed the study. Twenty one DRPs were identified in 17 patients. The most frequent DRPs was non-compliance (57.14%), adverse drug reactions (23.8%) and improper drug selection (19.04%). The number of DRPs reduced from 21 to 1 after the intervention (P<0.05). Knowledge score on COPD, drug treatment and self management score increased from 5.16 ± 1.49  to  6.79 ±1.16 (p<0.001). The number of patients with correct use Metered Dose Inhaler and Accuhaler patients increased from 8 to 34 patients and 6 to 17 patients, respectively (p<0.001). Conclusion : Pharmaceutical care can identify and resolve DRPs, improves patient’s knowledge on COPD, drug treatment and self management, and the correct use of inhaler devices.

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Research Articles


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