Factor associated with intracranial hemorrhage in mild traumatic brain injury moderated risk patients at King Narai Hospital


  • พงศกร ฉ่ำพึ่ง งานอุบัติเหตุและฉุกเฉิน โรงพยาบาลพระนารายณ์มหาราช


Mild traumatic brain injury moderate risk, intracerebral hemorrhage, computed tomography of brain


Background : Mild traumatic brain injury patients with moderate risk in ER are usually sent for the computed tomography (CT Scan) of the head for evaluation which lend to unnecessary expenses due to small presentnce of abnormal finding in CT – Scan, These is a study to describe relevant factors associated with intracranial hemorrhage in mild traumatic brain injury patient with moderated risk.

Meterial and Mothods : This is a retrospective cohort study of 864 patients who were Diagnosed with mild traumatic brain injury moderate risk in King Narai Hospital during 1 year period to indentify factors associated with intracranial hemorrhage

Result : Eight hundred sixty four patients were included in this study, only 16.66% were found with intracranial hemorrhage in CT – Scan, Significant associated factors with the presence of intracranial hemorrhage were (1) Glasgow Coma Score (GCS) of 13 – 14 (odd ratio : OR 7.42, 95% confidence interval : CI = 4.40 – 12.53, p = 0.000) (2) Presence of vomitting (OR = 2.16, CI = 1.24 – 3.75, p = 0.006) (3) History of loss conscionshess (OR = 1.81, CI = 1.03 – 3.15, p = 0.030) (4) Severe headache (OR = 2.19, CI = 1.099 – 4.47, p = 0.020) (5) warfarin usage (OR = 20.73, CI = 1.79 – 38.42, p = 0.010) and (6) History of falling on the same level (OR = 0.32, CI = 0.11 – 0.90, p = 0.030)

Conclusion : Factors associated with intracranial hemorrhage in mild traumatic brain injury moderate risk were GCS  of 13 – 14, Presence of vomitting History of loss of conscionshess, Severe headache, warfarin usage and History of falling on the same level


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How to Cite

ฉ่ำพึ่ง พ. Factor associated with intracranial hemorrhage in mild traumatic brain injury moderated risk patients at King Narai Hospital. Singburi Hosp J [Internet]. 2021 Dec. 30 [cited 2024 Sep. 19];30(2):1-13. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/shj/article/view/251578