The Effects of Applying Pender's Health Promotion Program on Improving Risk People with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Non Tum Sub-district, Chum Phuang District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province

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Supitchayaporn Sunonsatitkul
Sarodh Pechmanee
Thanakorn Panyasaisophon


This quasi-experimental study aimed to the effects program of applying Pender's health promotion theory with behavior change risk diabetes mellitus type 2 of people Non Tum Sub-district, Chum Phuang District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province. The samples were risk people with type 2 diabetes mellitus divided into two groups. The experimental and control group were consisted of 35 participate group. The experimental group was received program of applying Pender's health promotion theory and the control group received regular health promotion programs by simple random sampling and the trial period 12 weeks. The instrument used for data collection was personal questionnaire, health promotion behavior assessment (3E.2S.) and fingertip sugar level recording and body mass index form. Frequencies, percentage,mean, standard deviation, compare average score values paired samples t-test and independent samples t-test were applied for data analysis.

The results of this study were as follows: After receiving the program of applying Pender's health promotion theory the risk diabetes mellitus type 2 of people Non Tum Sub-district, Chum Phuang District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province, the experimental group hadsignificantly health behavior (3E.2S), effect on fingertip sugar levels and body mass index than before receiving the health promotion program and better control group at 0.01 level. Such the health promotion programs can be used to expand their results and apply in other areas to the provincial and national levels.

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Research Article


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