Development of maternal and child care model according to the Miracle 1,000 Days Plus project, Health Area 9

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Pakarat Sangkla
Saitip Ton
chatchada prachuttake
Pradub Srimuenwai
Anurak Kraram
Wijitra Phuangko


Thailand is facing a problem of low birth rates and poor-quality children. The intelligence level is lower than the international standard. The process of implementing and solving the problem has not been successful or sustainable. Therefore, it is necessary for the network partners responsible for maternal and child care to develop a standardized model of care. Analyzing situations and finding ways were exchanged between them to come to a conclusion. The purpose of this study was to study the model of maternal and child care through the Miracle 1,000 Days Plus Project in Health District 9 and the cooperation and participation of the involved network partners. This study was participatory action research. A specific target group was selected, including 40 network partners involved in caring for mothers and children in Health District 9. Qualitative data were collected from documents, In-depth interview, and focus group discussion and quantitative data were collected from A questionnaire of the participation. Quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, and qualitative data were analyzed using content analysis.

            The results showed that the development of a model for caring for mothers and children involves organizing the learning process in four areas: decision-making, operations, and receiving benefits and evaluation problems and obstacles include the lack of coordination between experts and the analysis of the causes and results of operations. The solution was to review roles and develop potential at all levels. especially at the district level, including staff in their work in terms of skills, understanding, and care for mothers and children. The success factor was that executives at all levels have continuous supervision and monitoring of operations, and network partners participate in the work. and the overall participation of network partners was at a high level. (=4.03, S.D.= 2.01)Therefore, the development of mother-child care models should have support from relevant agencies and using the model to plan and create guidelines for the further development of maternal and child care models in maternal and child health.

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Research Article


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