Associations between Health Literacy and Self-Care Practices among Hypertension Patients at Nong Mai Daeng Sub-district Health Promoting Hospital, Mueang Chonburi District, Chonburi Province
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Health literacy is a crucial role in population behavioral health management. This cross-sectional analytical study aimed to investigate the association between health literacy and self-care practices among hypertension patients in Nong Mai Daeng Sub-district Health Promoting Hospital, Mueang Chonburi District, Chonburi province. One hundred forty-five hypertension patients were collected by using self-administered questionnaire including general information, health literacy and self-care practices of hypertension questionnaires. Data were analyzed by using Chi-square test for discrete variables, and Spearman rank correlation for continuous variables.
The results showed that the average blood pressure of hypertension patients was 133/88 mmHg, high level for a while accounted for 71.04 percent, and self-care practices were high level and moderate level at 58.62 and 41.38 percent, respectively. The health literacy, including Cognitive skill, Self-management skill and Decision skill, associated significantly with the self-care practices (p<0.001). Moreover, univariate analysis revealed that smoking and consuming alcohol were also associated with the self-care practices (p<0.05). Therefore, health care providers should find strategies, based on these data, to develop health literacy of hypertension patients to use for desirable health behavior, thereby controlling hypertension appropriately.
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