Effects of Oral Health Care Program Applying Self-Efficacy Theory on Oral Health Care Behaviors among Elderly
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This research aims to assess the effects of oral health care programs applying self-efficacy theory on the oral health care behaviors of the elderly. The population is the elderly Moo.10 Ban Mai Thai Charoen village, Khlong Thap Chan subdistrict, Aranyaprathet district, Sa Kaeo province, a total of 67 people, which were divided into 30 people in the experimental group and 30 people in the control group. The research instruments were an oral health care program applying self-efficacy theory, a questionnaire among the elderly, Pre – Post Test of knowledge about oral health and a questionnaire on the oral health care behaviors among elderly. Data were analyzed using percentages, mean, standard deviation, paired t-test, and independent t-test, which were statistically significant at a .05 level.
The results showed that 1) The average scores of oral health knowledge in experiment group after the experiment were higher than those before the experiment, which were statistically significant at a .05 level. When divided the level of knowledge before the experiment, the mean score of oral health knowledge was at the lowest level. After the experiment, it was at the best level. 2) The average scores of oral health care behaviors in experiment group after the experiment were higher than those before the experiment, which were statistically significant at a .05 level. When divided the level of behaviors before the experiment, the mean score of oral health care behaviors was at the most moderate level. After the experiment, it was at the best level. and 3) After the experiment, the experimental group had a higher mean score of oral health knowledge and oral health care behaviors than the control group. which were statistically significant at a .05 level.
According to recommendations from research results, the oral health care program applying self-efficacy theory in this research was successful. Due to the courtesy of the village headman and village health volunteers Communicated and remind the sample group when the date of participation in the program. If this program is continued to be used in the area, it should be coordinated with people in the area every time.
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