Relationships between Personal Characteristics, Protection Motivation, Preventive Behaviors and Risk Factors of Upper Gastro-intestinal Bleeding among Patients in Khon Kaen Hospital
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Upper gastrointestinal bleeding is an emergency condition. It is considered an important public health problem. Therefore, need to be treated accurately and in a timely, and found that the mortality rate was high. The researcher is interested in studying relationship between personal characteristics, protection motivation theory, preventive behavior, and the risk of bleeding among the upper gastrointestinal tract of patients admitted to Khon Kaen hospital. This research is descriptive research, cross section study. The sample consisted of 232 UGIB patients. Data were collected by questionnaires and collected during July-August 2022. Data analysis by descriptive statistics such as number, percentage, mean, standard deviation, etc. The correlation was analyzed using Pearson's correlation coefficient.
The results of the study found that personal characteristics, patients with another disease there were a very low statistical correlation (r=.168, p=0.010). Knowledge of upper gastrointestinal bleeding there was a very low statistically significant correlation (r=.207, p=0.001). Perceived threat of upper gastrointestinal bleeding was significantly negative correlation (r = - .143, p = 0.029). Practice to prevent complication of upper gastrointestinal bleeding was a statistically significant negative correlation (r = -.174, p=0.008).
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