Comparison of Efficiency on Combined Household Wastewater Treatment Process with Oil and Grease Trap การเปรียบเทียบประสิทธิภาพการบำบัดน้ำเสียครัวเรือนรูปแบบผสมผสานกับถังบำบัดไขมันสำเร็จรูป

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รัชกร ฮ่งกุล
นิภาพร นบนอบ
ชูเกียรติ กระจ่างเมฆ


Household wastewater from cooking was a serious problem. If there was no good wastewater treatment system before discharge into the water source or environment, it can affect the quality of water, bad smelling, spreading infection and disease-carrying animals and impact on human health. The objective of this study was to determine the comparison of efficiency on combined household wastewater treatment process with oil and grease traps. The sample of wastewater was untreated household cooking wastewater in Mueang, Surat Thani Province by the method of grab sampling. This research was divided into 2 experimental; Experimental 1 combined household wastewater treatment process, Experimental 2 was oil and grease trap. Both wastewater treatment tank had the capacity 30 liters and take a period of 7 days. Removal efficiency was analyzed from the water quality before and after treatment.

The results showed that the removal efficiency of Experimental 1 as increased neutral pH , BOD, suspended solid, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, fat oil and grease were 56.58%, 69.27%, 66.91%, 86.76% and 84.14%, respectively. Experimental 2 as slightly increased pH, BOD, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, fat oil and grease were 28.60%, 10.94%, 30.94%, 53.68% and 72.21%, respectively. Both types of tanks were passed the standards. Except for fat, oil and grease was still higher than the standards. It can be seen that combined household wastewater treatment process by using grease trap, electrolysis, bio-filters and water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes L.) had better removal efficiency than oil and grease trap. Therefore, it can be used as a guideline for developing a wastewater treatment system with integrated technology and should be increase the efficiency of oil and grease treatment to pass the standards.

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Research Article


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