Results from Strategy Implementation of Healthcare Provision for Patients with Diabetes in Nakhon Ratchasima Province under “PLEASE Model” Strategy ผลลัพธ์การดำเนินงานตามยุทธศาสตร์การดูแลสุขภาพผู้ป่วยโรคเบาหวาน จังหวัดนครราชสีมา ภายใต้กลยุทธ์ “PLEASE model”

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นรินทร์รัชต์ พิชญคามินทร์


This study is research and development implemented in fiscal year 2021. It was conducted in 3 districts considering size as small, medium, and large scales. The objectives were to develop a strategic model, and evaluated the outcome of diabetes health care pattern under the strategy framework "PLEASE model". There are 2 study groups as 1) 45 participants, and 2) 451 DM patients. The processes were divided into 4 processes, each of them has set different methods and tools. Descriptive statistic, chi-square test, and paired t-test were used for data analysis.

The results showed that Individual factors affected appropriate self-care of diabetic patients, as sex, age, marital status, family members, caregiver, BMI, and number of years within disease. As the strategy in “PLEASE model”, the organization and communities could interpret strategies, and designed projects for operational respond. All projects are related with strategies and provided clearly beneficial to the target group, such as: The family volunteer and village health volunteer development in NCD sector, the social marketing communication development, the new normal on community lifestyle to NCD remoting, Health Station setting, and Diabetes School setting as well. Likewise, the success outcome indicator of the “PLEASE model” had been indicated on the better health behaviors and health care of these samples with diabetes, as food consumption, exercise, stress management, health care, and receiving appropriate services. Similarly, the HbA1c level had reduced as statistically significant from 8.98 mg% to 6.66 mg% after project participation.

However, this research suggested that the implementation of any projects should be continually integration conducted under the COVID-19 control in both existing and new areas by adjusting the operating pattern, according on the situation and context of that area.

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Research Article


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