Oral Health Behavior and retention of at least 20 functional permanent teeth among Elderly attended Dental Clinic of Thetsaban Mueang Saraburi Hospital

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Suthasinee Samanchat
ฉวีวรรณ บุญสุยา
คัติยา อีวาโนวิช


The Thai Dental Public Health Action Target states that 65% of elderly retain at least 20 functional teeth, but Saraburi a province in central region of Thailand, only 35.6% have at least 20 permanent functional teeth, indicating prevalence of severe oral disease leading to tooth loss. But oral disease is preventable, if patients have proper and appropriate oral healthcare behavior. To estimate proportion of elderly retain at least 20 permanent functional teeth, measure oral healthcare behavior, and identify the relationship among pedisposing, enabling, re-enforcing factors and oral health care behavior and retain at least 20 permanent functional teeth among elderly patients attending at Dental Clinic of Thetsaban Mueang Saraburi Hospital.  A descriptive interview study and oral health examination was conducted among 166 elderly patients at the Dental Clinic from May to August 2020. A descriptive statistics and multiple binary logistic regression at a statistical significance level of 0.05 were performed. 45.2% of elderly had at least 20 permanent teeth. 72.9% had at least dentures replacing lost teeth and permanent at least 20 teeth. Elderly who obtained information on brushing teeth (AOR=2.31 95% CI AOR: 1.04 - 5.13) and who had a certain level of oral healthcare behavior (AOR =2.86 and 4.98 with 95% CI AOR: 0.96 - 8.48 and 1.64 - 15.13 of moderate and good level as compared to poor level) had a statistically significant relationship of retaining at least 20 permanent teeth, controlling for age, educational level, monthly income, knowledge and perceived on the benefit of oral health behavior and social support. To assist elderly people retain at least 20 permanent teeth, there should be an emphasis on oral health education format that suitable for elderly group in order to enhance their understanding with the participation of their family member. These support are of particular importance to promote oral health among elderly

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Research Article


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