From “Active Ageing” to “Healthy Ageing”

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Prapapen Suwan
Manirat Therawiwat


     The United Nations Organization had developed the Millennium Development Goals—MDGs (2000-2015) and the World Health Organization had developed the strategy of “Active Ageing” with the aim to promote elderly worldwide to access medical/public health services, have good quality of life, be safe and secure and participate in community activities. After the year 2015, the United Nations Organization had set up 17 components of the Sustainable Development Goals: SDGs (2015-1530) whereas the component 3- -“Good health and living” relates directly to health.  At the same time, the World Health Organization had developed the strategy on “Healthy Ageing”, 2016-2030, aiming to promote health of elderly worldwide. “Healthy Ageing” Model should include all 4 components of health in regard to physical, mental, social and spiritual health.  More activities should be done in Thailand to develop, study, and research the “Healthy Ageing” Model in order to help Thai elderly get holistic components of health.

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Academic Article


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