Validation of Financial Strain Scale of Thai workers with Debt

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Chonlapat Jarunpong
Arunya Tuicomepee


              This study aimed to examine the psychometric properties of the Financial Strain scale in Thai workers with debt.  This scale was developed from the Financial Strain Scale of Aldana and Liljenquist (1998)1.  Participants were 121 Thai workers with debts. Their mean age was 27.6+2.49 (range 20-31) years old. Instruments were the Financial Strain scale and the Depression scale. Online data collection was employed. A Pearson’s product-moment correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis were used to analyze the data. Findings revealed that the psychometric properties of the scale demonstrated good reliability with Cronbach’s alpha of .90 (.84, .90, .92, .77 and .84 for the subscale respectively). Scale convergent validity was examined and it demonstrated acceptable criterion validity: a positive and significant linear correlation with the depression scale (r =.20, p <.01)The study suggests that Financial Strain Scale is suitable for assessing Financial Strain in Thai worker.

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Research Article


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