Effect of a Video Instruction of Colposcopy Procedure On Knowledge and Satisfaction among Women with Abnormal Pap smear Results

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Ketkaew Jengprasert
Suvimol Kongrot


     Educating clients who receive cervical cancer test with abnormal cervical screening results is important can reduce anxiety. From the previous day, using flip pictures might not interesting and took a lot of time to teach. However the video media is a teaching tool that offers both realistic audio and video at the same time. This research was 2 groups pre-post intervention design. The aims of this study were to compare the scores of the knowledge and the satisfaction of quality of video instruction and the flip chart in woman with abnormal pap smear at Gynecological Outpatient Department in Ramathibodi Hospital. Forty women per group were selected from purposive sampling. Both groups answered self-administered questionnaires about cervical cancer knowledge and how to prepare themselves for colposcopy procedure before and after nurses’ counseling. Personal data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, compared the characteristic between groups by using chi square test and compare the everage score by using independent t-test. The results showed that the average scores of the knowledge after receiving education within both group were significantly increased than those before, the experimental group had significantly higher mean of satisfaction scores of the quality of video in part of suitability of text design on screen and clarity of illustrations than the comparison group at the level of < 0.001. The average scores of the knowledge for woman with abnormal pap smear between two medias were not different. This study suggests that the two teaching media are helpful for woman with abnormal pap smear, however the quality of video is better than the flip chart.

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Research Article


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