Preliminary Study: Modification of Rubber Plantation Areas Through Media Learning which Reinforce Local's Way of Life for Better Life Style

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Mattnin Akkarapawarit
Pradiphat Lertrujidumrongkul


     The objective of this article is to indicate the guidelines for managing with price falling of rubber as rubber farmers need the guidelines to adapt themselves for living. The study is aim to focus on rubber plantation area management as the learning process for redesign their areas along with provided agricultural media to adapt these knowledge to their own land. From literature review and data collection by interviewing from agritourism entrepreneurs, agricultural experts, agricultural technical officers and questionnaires from 30 rubber plantation farmers lead to this descriptive analysis as a guidelines for redesign and create media for agriculture knowledge communication.

     The finding of this study founds that rubber plantation adjustments concept has to adapt from various aspects of knowledge to create media for learning in accordance with local communities context. Area modifications require land inspection, area analysis, planting factor, suitable plants, area redesign, and cost of production, funding sources, agricultural products, marketing and return.  These factors lead to design concepts which relevant to body of knowledge and accessible media patterns that encourage farmers to learn and able to adapt with theirs rubber plantation areas to make changes and gain better living according to community way of life .

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