Health Literacy of Diabetic Patients with Uncontrolled Blood Sugar Levels in Primary Care Units, Muang District, Singburi Province

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Sittanon Jamhom
Tassanee Silawan
สุนีย์ ละกำปั่น
Jutatip Sillabutra


     The proportion of diabetic patients who cannot control their blood sugar levels remains high and is a cause of complications affecting the quality of life of the patients. The cross-sectional descriptive research aimed to assess health literacy and analyze factors associated with health literacy of diabetic patients with uncontrolled blood sugar levels in primary care units, Muang District, Singburi province. Samples were 155 patients aged 35 or older who had been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus, received services at the primary care units in Muang District, Sing Buri Province in 2016, and could not control blood sugar levels (HbA1C≥7%). Four out of eleven primary care units were randomly sampled and patients were sampled from the treatment registration by simple random sampling method. Data were collected by using interview form and were analyzed by using frequency, percentages, means, standard deviations, and Chi-square test at the significant level of 0.05.

     The results showed that 62.6% of diabetic patients with uncontrolled blood sugar levels had the overall health literacy at a high level, of which a high level of functional health literacy; 65.8%, communicative or interactive health literacy; 59.4% and critical health literacy; 67.7%.  Factors statistically associated with the overall health literacy were history of complications (p=0.045) self-assessment (p=0.033) and overall self-management (p=0.041). Therefore, health literacy for blood sugar control should be strengthened among diabetic patients with uncontrolled blood sugar levels, especially in patients who have had complications, along with promoting self-management of patients emphasized on self-monitoring and self-reinforcement.

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