The Study of Body Composition, Muscle Strength and Flexibility of Novices in Phrapariyattidhamma School, Secondary Education Section, Sing Buri Province

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Dhammananthika Jaengsewang
Predee Phisphumvidhi
Kawiya Sintara
Chirapa Nakanakupt


     Novice is considered a group of adolescents that needs physical activities for healthy growth and development. However, some healthy activities were restricted due to Buddhism’s rules of practice. The purposes of this research were to investigate physical fitness including body composition, leg strength, and grip strength of novices, and to investigate physical activities that contribute to physical fitness, muscle strength and flexibility among 129 novices in the secondary school, Phrapariyattidhamma School, general education section, Watkritsanaveluebuddharam (Watphaidam). Each of them was tested the body composition by measuring weight, height and percentage of body fat. Muscle strength was tested by leg dynamometer test and hand grip test. Sit and reach test was used for assessing flexibility. All physical tests complied with the standard physical fitness tests for Thai children aged 7-18 years old. Data were analyzed by means of descriptive statistics and compared with the standard criteria of each age group.

     The quantitative results by comparing the physical fitness of novices with the standard criteria showed that most of the novices had appropriate body composition. Percentage of body fat at aged 18-19 was in a normal range. The results of leg and grip strength indicated moderate and poor strength levels in most novices. Their flexibility was at a moderate level. The qualitative result indicated that characteristics of physical activity of novices were at low to moderate levels, which relevant to the physical activities focused on muscle training under the limitation of daily motions. Moreover, it was found that movement activities were negatively related with higher study grades.

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Research Article


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