Development of Family Participation Program to Promoting Medication Adherence for Muslim Elderly with Uncontrolled Hypertension: Feasibility Assessment

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Niimron Doloh
Pajongsil Perngmark
Usanee Pechratachart


     This research aims to describe the development of family participation program to promoting medication adherence for Muslim elderly with uncontrolled hypertension and to assess program feasibility. The program was developed using PDCA guideline; applying Islamic doctrine as well as Cohen & Uphoff’s participatory concepts in promoting anti-hypertensive medication adherence, through promoting family role and functions. The program held two phases: the development of program components and the testing of program qualification usage. Content validity was verified by three experts, while the program application was tested by three nurses upon five Muslim elderly having uncontrolled hypertension, and also upon their principal care giver.

     Results showed that the program consisted of three main components: 1) a flow chart of program procedure guideline, 2) the participatory plan assisting family care givers in caring for elderly and its evaluation form. 3) the handbook of self-care management regarding anti-hypertensive drug use. Program content validity was appropriate and easy to follow. Program applicability test held its precise academic content, was appropriate for usage and relevant to Muslim context. Muslim elderly and their caregivers reported that the handbook of self-care management was very much appreciated and truly adaptable in daily living due to its beneficial effects of Arabic language provided. Nursing professionals and other relevant health care providers should incorporate the program to help family member taking better care for Muslim elderly with uncontrolled hypertension in the future.

Article Details

Research Article
Author Biography

Pajongsil Perngmark, Associate Professors, Faculty of Nursing, Prince of Songkla University, Songkla

Associate Professor

Department of Public Health Nursing

Faculty of Nursing, Prince of Songkla University