The Effect of Using the Model for Promoting Practices to Prevent Drug-Resistant Organisms Infections with the Collaborative of Registered Nurses in Inpatient Ward Department, Lamphun Hospital


  • Sasiprapa Tansuwa -


Keywords: Drug-Resistant Infections, Nosocomial Infections, Collaborative Quality Improvement


        Promoting the practice of preventing drug-resistant infections through the collaborative quality improvement of registered nurses it is an important guideline to help increase the quality of nursing care for patients with drug-resistant infections. This research is quasi-experimental to compare nurses' practice of preventing drug-resistant infections before and after applying the model for promoting practices to prevent drug-resistant organisms infections and assess nurses' satisfaction with the use of drug-resistant infection prevention practices. The sample was a nurse working in an inpatient ward, Lamphun Hospital, 128 people. The tools used to conduct the research include the model for promoting the practice of preventing drug-resistant infections with the cooperation of nurses. The tools used to collect data include personal data records, drug resistant infection prevention practice assessments, and satisfaction assessments. Analyze data with descriptive statistics, including frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and inferential statistics, including: Fisher’s exact probability test.

The results of the study showed that after promoting the practice of preventing drug-resistant infections with the cooperation of nurses. Practice in preventing drug-resistant infections increased from 75.1 percent to 96.3 percent, a statistically significant difference (p<0.000). And nurses are very satisfied with the use of the model of promoting the prevention of drug-resistant infections. (mean 4.19)

Conclusion, promoting the practice of preventing drug-resistant infections with the cooperation of nurses. Enhances the effectiveness of preventing drug-resistant infections in hospitals.


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How to Cite

Tansuwa, S. (2024). The Effect of Using the Model for Promoting Practices to Prevent Drug-Resistant Organisms Infections with the Collaborative of Registered Nurses in Inpatient Ward Department, Lamphun Hospital. Lanna Journal of Health Promotion and Environmental Health, 14, 30–44. Retrieved from



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