Results of using guidelines for triaging patients according to emergency level (MOPH ED Triage) Accident-emergency work Srisangwan Hospital Mae Hong Son Province


  • Jongruk punyapol -


Moph E.D.triage guidelines, clinical supervision


This research is a quasi-experimental study to compare the results of using the MOPH ED Triage in emergency Room Srisangwan Hospital, Maehongson Province Before and after clinical supervision. The study population consisted of 10 registered nurses working in the Emergency Room for 2 year or more experiences. and 600 patients admitted during 2022 with a random sample of 50 people per month and 338 patients admitted between March 9, 2023 and July 31, 2023 using App N4Studies' Infinite population proportion formula. The tools were the emergency Triage Guidelines, patients personal information record forms, Clinical supervision and Interview from on satisfaction assessments are validated for consistency by experts and Confidence was tested using Cronbach's alpha coefficient, equal to .934 Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, including percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Compare the accuracy of triage using Chi-square statistics.

Results of the study found that, after using MOPH ED Triage, the results showed an insignificant increase in accuracy, from 96.00% to 97.04% (c2=0.671, df=1,p =0.265) which may cause by interference factors such as misprediction of resource, Delayed access, Communication problems. Overall satisfaction of Register nurse with using MOPH ED clinical supervision was at a high level. ( =4.59) This study recommend that clinical supervision should be continuously conducted and other ways to improve triage quality should be implemented. 


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How to Cite

Punyapol ่. (2024). Results of using guidelines for triaging patients according to emergency level (MOPH ED Triage) Accident-emergency work Srisangwan Hospital Mae Hong Son Province. Lanna Journal of Health Promotion and Environmental Health, 14, 18–29. Retrieved from



Research article