The Development of Model of Promoting behaviors for Pregnancy at Laemsing Chantaburi


  • Maliwan Prasatchaiyaporn Laemsing Hospital
  • Jintana Jaiman Laemsing Hospital
  • Chatchaya Soipetch Laemsing Hospital
  • Nittaya Thongma Prachomklao College of Nursing, Phetchaburi Province, Faculty of Nursing, Praboromrajchanok Institute4


model, health promotion, pregnancy


Maternal and child health issues are significant, and maternal and neonatal mortality have not decreased because all stages of pregnancy pose a risk of complications during pregnancy. Therefore, it is necessary to encourage pregnancy to gain knowledge and promoting behavior in order to reduce the risk of complications. This research is action research applying the concept of Stinger. This study aimed to develop a health promoting behavior model and compare the scores of expectant women's knowledge and health behaviors before and after their participation in the model activity. Participants in the study included 30 pregnant women with a gestational age of less than 28 weeks who received antenatal care at Laem Sing Hospital and selected by using purposive sampling. The research process is divided into three phases: look phase is analyze the problems; model design phase, and testing model for implementing and evaluating the model's activity. Tools used as group discussion guidelines, research team meetings Issues, activities, materials for activities, and a questionnaire on the knowledge and behaviors verified by tree experts. Content analysis, descriptive statistics, the Wilcoxon signed rank test, and the paired t-test were used to analyze the data. The findings of this study should be applied to the P3M model of health behavior promotion for pregnant women at Laemsing Hospital, as well as other agencies and areas with similar demographics.


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How to Cite

prasatchaiyaporn, maliwan, Jaiman, J., Soipetch, C., & Thongma, N. . (2024). The Development of Model of Promoting behaviors for Pregnancy at Laemsing Chantaburi. Lanna Journal of Health Promotion and Environmental Health, 14, 121–133. Retrieved from



Research article