
Publication Ethics

Lanna Journal of Health Promotion & Environmental Health serves as a medium for disseminating research articles and scholarly works between authors and readers. To ensure accurate and transparent academic communication, the journal adheres to good practices and ethical guidelines for publishing and dissemination, as outlined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), allocating roles and responsibilities as follows:

Duties of Authors:

  • Submit original works for consideration that have not been previously published or are under consideration for publication elsewhere. Avoid plagiarism, both self-plagiarism and content from other sources. All authors listed in the manuscript should have contributed significantly. The corresponding author should provide confirmation in writing.
  • For research articles, include a copy of the ethical approval from the research ethics committee, obtained from data-collecting institutions, universities, or relevant organizations. Provide an accurate account of the research process and results, without hiding or falsifying information.
  • Prepare the manuscript according to the provided author guidelines.
  • Address and incorporate the feedback and recommendations provided by qualified reviewers and the editorial team, sending revised manuscripts within the specified time frame or informing the editor if an extension or withdrawal is necessary. Failure to comply may affect publication decisions.
  • Cite other scholarly works accurately and comprehensively, both in-text and in the reference list, using the recommended citation style.

The journal does not currently charge publication fees. Manuscripts undergo peer review by experts, and the evaluation results determine acceptance or rejection for publication.

Duties and Responsibilities of Editors:

  • Review submitted manuscripts in line with the journal's objectives and scope. Evaluate the quality of articles based on academic principles, using the provided evaluation criteria and author guidelines.
  • Select qualified experts in the corresponding field to peer review articles. Maintain a double-blind review process, ensuring anonymity between authors and reviewers.
  • Keep confidential the identities of authors and reviewers during the review process.
  • Make decisions on the quality of manuscripts based on academic accuracy, relevance, significance, and clarity, considering feedback from qualified reviewers and the clarity of communication.
  • Check for plagiarism in manuscripts and promptly communicate any issues to authors for correction or clarification before proceeding with the review process.
  • Avoid unilateral decisions unless substantiated by evidence of severe misconduct.
  • Prevent conflicts of interest among authors, reviewers, and editorial staff.

Editors provide information about the review process and ensure that author guidelines are up-to-date and comprehensive.

Duties of Reviewers:

  • Maintain confidentiality regarding the content of reviewed manuscripts and refrain from discussing them with unrelated individuals during the review period.
  • Avoid conflicts of interest with the manuscript under consideration. If any conflicts arise, notify the editor and decline the review.
  • Review manuscripts within their expertise, assessing quality based on the criteria outlined in the review form and author guidelines. Use academic principles and specific data to support assessments, avoiding personal opinions.
  • Inform the editor of any duplications of content from other works found in the manuscript.
  • Provide constructive feedback to authors and suggest relevant research if not cited in the manuscript.
  • Submit review reports within the stipulated time frame or notify the editor if an extension is necessary.