Developing a model for providing knowledge and building skills for self-care of diabetes and hypertension using online media

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Hathaichanok Ketjuna
Khuanchanok Teesara
Benjamas Nakkarach
Jidtra Boonpok


This descriptive research aims to develop a model for providing knowledge and building self-care skills for new patients with diabetes and hypertension using online media.  The target group includes new diabetic and hypertensive patients, their caregivers, medical personnel, and interested members of the public. The goal is to offer patients a self-study knowledge platform and a reliable information source while providing medical facilities with online tools to deliver services in the new normal era, thereby alleviating the burden on medical teams. Nurses in chronic disease clinics aim to counsel patients effectively, fostering proper understanding and behavior management, ultimately leading to an improved quality of life for patients.

             Through a review of academic knowledge and related media content from both government and private agencies, seven key topics have been summarized and compiled as essential content for producing VDO Clip for diabetic and hypertensive patients. The video content, titled 'Providing Knowledge and Developing Self-Care Skills for Diabetes and Hypertension,' includes the following topics: 1. Choosing Foods to Conquer Diabetes and Hypertension 2. Safe Exercise for Diabetic and Hypertensive Patients 3. Tips to Relieve Stress and Clear Worries 4. Understanding Diabetes Medications 5. Grasping Blood Pressure Medications in 5 Minutes 6. Knowing Your Risk, Self-Assessment, and Avoiding Complications 7. Emergency Minutes: How to Handle Diabetes and Hypertension. These topics are published through online channels, including the website, YouTube channel, and Facebook page of the Non-Communicable Disease Division, Department of Disease Control. A total of 953 respondents participated in the assessment, with the majority being female (89.51%). Most respondents were medical personnel working in chronic disease clinics (82.06%), and all were patients with diabetes or hypertension (11.86%). Overall satisfaction with the media usage was high, with 92.24% of respondents expressing satisfaction, particularly medical personnel and patients with diabetes/hypertension, who reported satisfaction levels of 91.57% and 95.32%, respectively. Analysis of the content, presentation, and usability indicated a high level of satisfaction, suggesting suitability for patient use and public benefit. The development of VDO Clip provides valuable knowledge to diabetic patients, hypertensive patients, caregivers, and public health personnel, allowing them to learn independently, anytime and anywhere. Public health personnel can also use these videos as a learning tool for patients. Although the development aligns with the objectives, there are still some operational and developmental limitations. Further improvements are needed, including refining search keywords for better clarity, expanding access channels to the video media, and enhancing continuous public relations efforts. Additionally, there should be further development of video content specifically targeting diabetic patients and those with poorly controlled hypertension.

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How to Cite
Ketjuna H, Teesara K, Nakkarach B, Boonpok J. Developing a model for providing knowledge and building skills for self-care of diabetes and hypertension using online media. IUDCJ [Internet]. 2024 Nov. 20 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];9(2):293-310. Available from:
Research Articles


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