Publication Ethics

Ethics of publishing articles in journals

Institute for Urban Disease Control and Prevention Journal indicates publication ethics ( to maintain ethical standards in the publication of articles. Therefore, it is required that involving people strictly comply with the principles and standards of ethical publication as follows:

Ethics, roles and duties of editors and editorial team

  1. Editors and editorial team of Institute for Urban Disease Control and Prevention Journal have roles and responsibilities in considering preliminary articles before being accepted into the journal process. It consists of considering the content of the article and the journal's framework, considering article writing style, considering article concentration plagiarism selection, designating experts to assess articles, and considering the overall quality of the article before moving on to the process of evaluating the next article.
  2. Editors and editorial team have to consider the preliminary article on the basis of morality and ethics without bias or subjective consideration to the article, also no bias towards the author or the author's agency.
  3. Editors and editorial team have to designate or select an expert to assess an article with expertise in the field of that article. The expert assigned must not be from the same agency as the author. Also, all expert reviewers evaluating the same article must not be from the same agency to prevent conflicts of interest that may occur.
  4. Editors and editorial team have to maintain confidentiality regarding authors and peer reviewers not knowing each other's information. That means the expert who assesses the article must not know the name of the author and the name of the organization. Also, the author must be anonymous and the article will be evaluated by peer reviewers (the type of peer review is double blinded) to prevent conflicts that may occur.
  5. Editors and editorial team of Institute for Urban Disease Control and Prevention Journal must not have any interests with the author, any unrighteous and unethical conflict of interests with the author and experts who evaluating the article, and must not claim any benefits at all.
  6. Editors and editorial team have to directly control and direct journal processes, not siding with any authors or providing incorrect assistance wrong morality and ethics, and lack of good governance.
  7. Editors and editorial team of Institute for Urban Disease Control and Prevention Journal have a duty to cooperate, control and monitor the accuracy and quality of journals in accordance with Thai-Journal Citation Index Centre’s standard.

Ethics, roles and duties of reviewers

  1. Reviewers are responsible for evaluating articles in various fields according to the specified format provided by Institute for Urban Disease Control and Prevention Journal with intensity and provide suggestions or academic reasons that are beneficial to the authors.
  2. Reviewers have to evaluate articles assigned by editors and editorial team of Institute for Urban Disease Control and Prevention Journal and complete the process during the specified period for the most benefits of the authors.
  3. Reviewers have to consider articles received from editors and editorial team on their own expertise with the content of the article. If a given article is found to be inconsistent with actual expertise, the reviewers have to notify to journal editor promptly and reject for evaluation.
  4. Reviewers must have ethical principles in article evaluation and no bias towards the content of the article. Also, reviewers must not use their own opinions which are not in accordance with academic theory and no credible evidence to judge that article.
  5. Reviewers have to maintain confidentiality by not disclosing the content of the author's article to other people. During the period of article evaluation, reviewers do not use any parts of the content that they evaluate as their own work without the consent from the owner of article or the journal.

Ethics, roles and duties of authors

1.An article submitted by the authors, to be considered by Institute for Urban Disease Control and Prevention Journal, must not be submitted to any other journals at the same time. The auther can proceed to submit the article to other journals in case receiving a document confirming the results of unaccepting from the editorial team.

  1. Authors must not copy academic works of other authors. (If there is a lawsuit, it will be the sole responsibility of the author. The journal will not be responsible for anything and immediately withdraw the article from the journal's publishing), do not republish their own work. (Self-plagiarism) and do not plagiarize their own work. For any information from other authors that the author uses in the article, it must be cited in the body and at the end of the article according to academic principles.
  2. The authors have to honestly present the results obtaining from experiments, analyzes or calculations, do not distort information (fabrication or misrepresentation) from reality, and do not create false evidence to support their own results.
  3. The authors have to mention thank you to the person or organization in the acknowledgment. If the authors receive research funding, assistance in tools, machinery, equipment or assistance in various fields in order to achieve the success of that article.
  4. Institute for Urban Disease Control and Prevention Journal does not allow the addition of other people who are not involved in the article such as not participating in the research, not participating in the writing of that article. All authors named in the article have to take part in the responsibility.

Ethics in human and animal research

Human research

  1. The researchers have to write a research proposal which has scientific validity.
  2. In research methodology or research process, before taking any actions on volunteers, such as screening, the researchers have to write the process of inform consent including the people asking for consent, the place asking for consent, consent providing information and explanations, answering questions, giving time to make independent decisions before signing consent.
  3. To demonstrate that the researchers will comply with the ethical principles for research in human subjects, the researchers must: Write the topic “Ethical considerations” by analyzing the ethics of research in human subjects in 3 following items:

3.1 The principle of respect for person is by obtaining informed consent from the target population to participate as a volunteer in the research.

3.2 The principle of beneficence/non-maleficence is by stating whether or not the volunteers would be benefited, what benefits, or what other benefits might pose risks to the volunteers. The researcher will keep the volunteers confidential as there will be no identifier in the record to identify the subjects.

3.3 The principle of justice is that there are clear criteria for inclusion and exclusion, no bias, and equal distribution of benefits and risks by random methods.

  1. The researchers presents the research plan table. The process of experimenting with volunteers Data collection must always be conducted after the proposal has been approved or endorsed by the Ethics Committee.

Animal research

  1. Animal users have to recognize the value of animal life.
  2. Animal users have to be aware of the accuracy of their work using the least number of animals.
  3. The use of wild animals must not penetrate to the laws and policies of wildlife conservation.
  4. Animal users have to realize that animals are organism like human.
  5. Animal users have to completely record information of animal treatment as evidence.