The Health Situation of Dependent Elderly: the Challenges for Nursing Professionals


  • Uthaiwan Pongboriboon School of Nursing, Eastern Asia University
  • Kusol Keebang School of Nursing, Eastern Asia University
  • Saifon Kanthamalee School of Nursing, Eastern Asia University
  • Wanida Phraephasa School of Nursing, Eastern Asia University


dependent elderly, nursing professionals, the role of nursing professionals


In the current situation of the aging society of Thailand, the elderly population is continuously increasing. As a result, the number of dependent elderly has increased along with the health situation, such as illness from cerebral ischemia, chronic co-morbidities, dementia, and elderliness. Care management for dependent elderly people to have happy lives is a challenge for nursing professionals. This article aims to point out the move towards effective and efficient care for the dependent elderly. In this regard, nursing professionals who provide care for the dependent elderly have the following main roles: planner, implementer, coordinator, leader, counselor, and right defender. The problems in care management for dependent elderly consist of: (1) insufficient personnel; (2) lack of cooperation in preparation; (3) transferring knowledge, understanding, and necessary skills; (4) policy unpreparedness; (5) data system disconnection; (6) inter-agency coordination deficiencies; (7) budgetary constraints; and (8) caregiver-related issues. To overcome these challenges, nursing professionals must navigate through their own capacity, through individuals and relevant environments, and through policies. This is essential to leading to effective care for dependent elderly individuals in the long term.


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How to Cite

Pongboriboon, U. ., Keebang, K. ., Kanthamalee, S. ., & Phraephasa, W. . (2024). The Health Situation of Dependent Elderly: the Challenges for Nursing Professionals. EAU Heritage Journal Science and Technology (Online), 18(1), 44–55. Retrieved from



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